Tuesday 9 August 2016

10 Foods that Burn Fat - 10 Raw Vegetables

10. Raw Vegetables 

Raw vegetables are outstanding in fulfilling your taste of having snacks. They, on the one hand, satisfy the desire and hunger of crunch and, on the other hand they are –apart from being low in calories– full of water due to which they help you feel full. As we have mentioned, the water contained in the vegetables fills the stomach and leaves less space for other food and by this one fills his stomach without having abundant of calories to burn which he will have to go through a tiring exercise. Apart from that, vegetables contain multiples minerals and vitamins which are helpful to lead a healthy life. So, you must have raw vegetables to enjoy and lead a healthy life. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 9 Berries

9. Berries 

Just like other many fruits, berries contain a high amount of water and fiber due to which these make you feel full and they leave very small room for other food. Apart from that, these berries are sweat as well and due to which they satisfy the taste of sweat for sake of which one may opt to have some cookies and brownies which contain more calories than berries. Furthermore, berries are loaded with antioxidants. Thus, having water and antioxidants, berries on the one hand enable a person eat less and on the other hand they boost the metabolism system due to which the calories burn in more speedy and quick manner. Thus, have berries and enjoy sweetness without worrying about calories. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - All in One

One sentence can validly elaborate the weight; its benefits and its harms. It is validly said that “weight, where loosing is good and gaining is bad”. Being overweight is an open invitation card for multiple serious diseases. Overweight –which is usually caused by obesity– can cause various heart diseases. It leads to blood pressure disorder. It also potentially leads to diabetes which is, indeed, end of many joys of life. Apart from health issues, obesity makes a person look awkward. This is why people nowadays look for ways to overcome the very problem of overweight. Some people go for gym and undertake intensive exercise to shed some fat from their bodies. Other chose to have a healthy diet plan to defeat the obesity. 

In the following we are listing 10 foods that can be helpful defeating obesity.

1. Fish
2. Milk
3. Green Tea
4. Watermelon
5. Egg
6. Fresh Salad
7. Nuts
8. Grapefruit
9. Berries
10. Raw Vegetables

10 Foods that Burn Fat - 8 Grapefruit

8. Grapefruit 

One thing should be clear that the Grapefruit does not contain any property that is known for fat-burning. Instead, it has fewer calories and fills the stomach and leaves less space for other food. According to a research one serving of grapefruit contains only 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber. This makes the person full for longer time and he does not need to eat additional food. Apart from the less-calories-property, the grapefruit is helpful in stabilizing the level of blood sugar. This is because, as studies have shown, the grapefruit has compounds the can potentially reduce the insulin level meaning by the body will use the food for energy instead of storing it as fat. Thus, consumption of grapefruit can help in weight loss. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 7 Nuts

7. Nuts 

Nuts are, on the one hand, fatty nutrients which should contribute in weight gain but, on the other hand, these do not significantly cause weight gain. Rather some of the kinds of nuts may help weight loss. This means that all nuts are not equal. Some of them are helpful for health, some are neither helpful nor harmful and some of them might be harmful for health. So, one should always be aware of the kind of nut and its impacts on the health. Almond is one of the most beneficial kinds of nuts which contain many good nutrients. It contains, inter alia, vitamin E and antioxidants. Walnut has balance of fat and omega 3. Macadamia Nuts are packed with antioxidants, vitamin E and selenium. And Pine Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, lutein and vitamin A, C and D. As far as weight loss and nuts consumption concern, as nuts are high calories they make a person feel full and prevent him from eating additional food. Nuts, as we have mentioned earlier, are high in calories so one should chew slowly so that he will eat less in more time. In a nutshell, nuts can be helpful in maintaining your healthy life but one should not consume them in excess and he should be aware of the potential impacts of nuts on his health

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 6 Fresh Salad

6. Fresh Salad 

This is another, healthy, way to fill up your stomach with food full of water before eating meal. This will fill your stomach with water and leave very less space for other food which will come afterwards. To do this you will have to have as much as possible fresh salad before starting meal. To make salad more interesting, add more fruits and vegetables in salad. salad, on the one hand, causes fewer calories to go into your stomach and, on the other hand, is sources for multiple nutrients. The tomato, protects a person from cancer, strengthens the immune system and manages the diabetes. Cucumber, another essential ingredient of salad, contains fewer calories –just 15 per 100grams– and contains no fat and cholesterol. It provides potassium which helps heart to remain healthy. It also contains anti oxidants which boost the metabolism. The other ingredients of salad have countless health benefits. So, salad should not be missed from your dining table. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 5 Egg

5. Egg 

Do you know how much calories an egg contains? How much protein is there in one egg? For you kind surprise, one egg contains only 75 calories and 7 grams of protein with all other vital nutrients. Now, if you take egg in your breakfast, your body will burn more calories while digesting one egg as compared to a heavy breakfast. One thing, however, should be kept in mind that egg –as a whole– is NOT cholesterol free. So, if you are having cholesterol risk, then either ask your doctor whether or not you can eat egg or take only white part of egg because that is absolutely cholesterol free. In a nutshell, eat egg and live healthy. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 4 Watermelon

4. Watermelon 

Watermelon is full of water. This, and other fruits which are rich in water, take more space in the gut of the person and leave very less room for other foods. Apart from this, watermelon contains very less amount of calories. This means that with consumption of watermelon a person fills his gut with very less amount of calories and consequently has less to burn. Apart from that, watermelon is one of the great sources of antioxidants. Other ingredients of watermelon include vitamin A and C. So, have watermelon and abandon worries of burning fat and calories because with watermelon you will have fewer calories thus, less fat to burn. 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 3 Green Tea

3. Green Tea 

Green tea is regarded to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It contains a large amount of –rather it is loaded with– antioxidants and various other substances that are helpful for health. Green tea is distinguished form Coffee for having less caffeine –24-40– as compared to coffee –which contains 100 -200– and more antioxidants. The former ingredient of green tea helps in burning fat and the later one is known for its impacts on the metabolism. Further, green tea also helps mobilize the fat from the fat cells and burns it down. Green tea also known for its effective role in increased fat burning during exercise. One of the most beneficial role which green tea plays is that it make a person take less amount of calories by reducing appetite. We have devoted a separate post to discuss the health benefits of green tea. So, make green tea in your diet plan and lead a healthy and joyful life!! 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat - 2 Milk

2. Milk 

Milk offers plenty of calcium –which strengthens the bones–, protein and vitamin D and it does not contain any quantity of fat in it. According to a study conducted by, and published in, the International Journal of Obesity, in increased quantity of dairy can help one in losing more weight. Researchers –after working on the link between the calcium and weight loss– believe that the calcium, protein and vitamin D –which are found in dairy products– help one lose fat by disposing calories into muscles instead of fat. Other benefits of milk is that it, on the one hand, makes the person full and, on the other hand, it takes long time to leave the stomach as compared to other drinks with less protein. So, skip the cookies and chug the milk and enjoy a healthy life! 

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10 Foods that Burn Fat -1 Fish

1. Fish 

Every now and then, studies reveal another benefit of having fish in food. Fish is rich container of Omega –3s, which is helpful in, inter alia, boosting heart health, lowering risk of dementia and improving moors. The Omega –3 is also rich in protein which makes a person full and, in the result of it; he/she burns more calories digesting protein than he does when he has fat. Fish is, on the one hand one of the best source of protein and, on the other hand, one of the lowest in fat. So, one should regularly have fish –if he wants to live a life with healthy heart and less fat. 

10 Foods that Burn Fat

One sentence can validly elaborate the weight; its benefits and its harms. It is validly said that “weight, where loosing is good and gaining is bad”. Being overweight is an open invitation card for multiple serious diseases. Overweight –which is usually caused by obesity– can cause various heart diseases. It leads to blood pressure disorder. It also potentially leads to diabetes which is, indeed, end of many joys of life. Apart from health issues, obesity makes a person look awkward. This is why people nowadays look for ways to overcome the very problem of overweight. Some people go for gym and undertake intensive exercise to shed some fat from their bodies. Other chose to have a healthy diet plan to defeat the obesity. 

In the following we are listing 10 foods that can be helpful defeating obesity. 

Monday 8 August 2016

How to Add Link to an Image in Blogger

While blogging and publishing a blog post, we very often include some photos in the post. This is because the photos, as it is validly said that a picture is worth a thousand words, provide a clear idea which might not be possible to be conveyed otherwise. Further, we very often need to add any link to the image so that we would be able to refer to a detailed post which will have some link with that photo. Many of bloggers, while they are very familiar with adding links to text, do not know how to connect a photo with any post by adding link of the post to the photo. And a great number of bloggers, perhaps, are unaware of the very possibility of doing so. In the following we are going to show you how to add a link to a photo/image in blogger. We have also posted to show how to place multiple photos side by side in a blog post

Step 1: Upload the photo in blogger. You may adopt any size –from small to extra large and original size– according to you need.

Step 2: Go to the HTML mode of the post

Step 3: You will find two URLs in a single HTML code of the image. The only difference in these two URL is the number /s1600 and the other number. In the first URL, you will find the number always to be /s1600 while in the second URL the number will be different.

Step 4: Copy the link you want to add and paste it in the place of the first URL which is always with /s1600 by the link you want to add to the image in blog post.

Step 5: Now, go to compose mode. You will so no difference but the link will have been added to the image. Just click the “Publish” button and get your link added to the image.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Place Two Pictures Side by Side in Blogger Post

Blogging, for more than one reason, has become one of the most popular modes of spending time before the computer screens. This, on the one hand, helps a person share his ideas with the people across the globe as he can post whatever he wants to without fear of censor and above all he does not need to have approval of any editorial board to get his stuff published and, on the other hand, has become a source by which one can earn a handsome amount of money working at his home and without facing the horrible attitudes of bosses in the offices. There are multiple places for blogging among which blogger is the most popular platform as this is almost a website which a person designs by his own without the burden of thoughts about the charges of online space. There are many things which can be done in blogger which are not known to every person using this platform. One such thing is to put two images side by side of the blog post. This is because putting multiple pictures side by side needs some exercise in the HTML code which –though quite simple– seems hard to many bloggers. In the following I am going to tell you how to do that. In order to do that you will have to follow the following steps.

Step 1: First of all you will have to upload all the pictures you want to post in the blog post. The pictures should be uploaded on the order in which they are intended to be shown in the post. And reduced to size of pictures to “small size”. Not to worry, you can later increase the size after you are done with all the steps.

Step 2: Secondly go to the HTML Mode of the post.

Step 3: At the thirds place, Paste the following code before the HTML code of the photo. Remember, this code works for three pictures. You can delete and/or add more lines according to the number of photos.

<div style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-right: 2em; width: NN;">
<div style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-right: 2em; width: NN;">
<div style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-right: 0em; width: NN;">

Step 4: Afterwards, find out the text height = "150" in the HTML code and delete it. (Remember the height may different from “150” in your photos.)

Step 5: Now find the width = "200" in the HTML of the photo and replace “200” with “100%. This change in HTML will make the code look "width = "100%".

Step 6: Finally cut the HTML code and paste in place of IMAGE CODE FOR PICTURE.

Step 7: Go to the compose mode of the post. You will see the pictures side by side if all the steps have been followed correctly. And hit the “publish button” and have a beautiful blog post published.

The All Time Best 10 Footballers

Being a successful soccer player is perhaps a dream of every growing teen ager. All the successes and joys of life become something very cheap to catch once this dream comes true. Fame and place in the hearts of people across the globe, countless money by which can buy every luxury of life, travelling around the world in the business class of lavish jets, stardom which shines so brightly that dazzles eyes and even brains of the world, leading a healthy life as a sportsman always is healthy and physically fit and occupying the dreams of many young hearts for granted is what a soccer player is bestowed upon with. From the very beginning many people appeared on the stage of football grounds and went after conquering the hearts of fans across the globe and they are living now even after many years of their retirement from the glamorous game. In the following a list, of 10 all time great soccer players, is given. The list is taken from the best 100 all time soccer players prepared by the Guardian.

15 Most Common Words that are Invented by William Shakespeare; All in One

William Shakespeare, the donator of words to English In every language vocabulary , coupled with other rules of grammar, plays major...


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